Elul 21 Message

Dear Congregants,

There is a spiritual practice that I have developed over the years. During the weeks before Rosh Hashanah I choose a word to contemplate. This word stays with me the entire year. I research it, I talk about it with friends, I go to sleep asking to dream about it. It is a word that becomes my friend and my teacher, my prod urging me toward resolution, revelation, growth. One year my word was grace, another year it was presence, then I chose forgiveness.

This year I choose humility. Sefat Emet, in his commentary to Ki Tavo in the Book of Deuteronomy writes:

Never think that you have come to the truth; understand that you are always standing at the entrance. The word ‘doorway’ (delet) is related to the word humility (dalut). By realizing how little you have achieved, you find door after door opening for you. A person is always ready to hear the word of God, then when a moment of grace occurs, something opens up for him. But he has to be standing at the doorway.

I have tried to learn humility from others. I only know five:

One I know very well. Three I watch from a far. One was my teacher.

Post a comment. What is your word?

Rabbi Karyn Kedar

For previous Elul messages visit www.karynkedar.com