
Sisterhood Events

Sisterhood Event Calendar

Temple/Sisterhood Book Club

Facilitated by Hedda Schless.

The BJBE Temple/Sisterhood book club is open to everyone, man or woman, who likes to read and discuss great books.

The daytime sessions are on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:00, and the evening sessions are on the third Monday of the month at 7:00.

Please contact Sharon to be added to the list or if you have any questions.

Book Club schedule


Do you play Mahjong or Canasta?

If you're looking for a game, you can come to BJBE Mondays at 1pm and join our friendly welcoming group! 

Contact Sharon Krivitzky for further information. WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU AT OUR TABLES!


Upcoming Events:

Save The Date: Membership Dinner 10/30/23, 6pm 

Chanukah Boutique 11/12/23 9am-3pm





BJBE Sisterhood, with a membership of over 300 women, provides religious, educational, community and social action activities for women of all ages and promotes the aims of the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) and the WRJ Midwest District. We believe strongly in giving back to BJBE and our community.

What does BJBE Sisterhood do?

The programs and services provided by BJBE Sisterhood benefit all members of the BJBE community. Some of the many events sponsored by BJBE Sisterhood include holiday or Jewish themed parties for preschoolers, gifts to our religious school children, family bingo, interfaith programs, and senior luncheons. Among its numerous and ongoing fund raising efforts, BJBE Sisterhood runs the Judaica Shop. BJBE Sisterhood also underwrites the Temple kitchen and sponsors the weekly oneg Shabbat, as well as donates funds to local, national, and international charities.

These are the upcoming Sisterhood events, but there is much more happening, please click on the links for the recent Sisterhood newsletters!

Registration forms for upcoming events are at the bottom of this page.

Click here for our most recent newsletter! 

Why join BJBE Sisterhood?

BJBE Sisterhood is always looking for volunteers to participate. There are positions that oversee projects that benefit both the Women of Reform Judaism and our Temple. The hours can be tailored to your schedule, the rewards are numerous, and you will enjoy the camaraderie of other dedicated women.

DUES are $44. (Includes dues for Women of Reform Judaism and WRJ Midwest.)  You can pay your dues by check, cash or credit card.

Add an optional CHAI $18.00 or DOUBLE CHAI $36.00. (Donation to help us continue our excellent programs.)

ADD AN ADDITIONAL DONATION TO THE WRJ YES FUND $36, $18, or $____ (A donation to the WRJ YES FUND provides support for youth, education and special projects including scholarships for future rabbis, cantors and educators and programs in Israel and other countries throughout the world.)

Click here for the membership form. Contact us with questions.


Judaica Shop
Stop by the gift shop! Come and see the many lovely Israeli made Talit and other unique items from Israel (as well as non-Israeli items). Can't decide on that important gift--the problem is solved with a gift certificate from the Judaica Shop. Don't forget, we carry wedding gifts, mezuzot, Kiddush cups, candle holders, candles from Israel, yahrzeit lights and much more! If you need a Tallit for you or your B'nai Mitzvah child, we have a large selection from Israel. We also stock yads and kipot (for one or many).

The shop is open 1/2 hour before and after services on Friday evenings, Sundays when JLC is in session, and weekdays by appointment.

For information or to make an appointment, please contact:
Sharon Sabin:

Linda Rukin: (847) 989-4679

Debra Lewis:

Sisterhood Board
Carole Klein-Alexander and Sandra Leon, Sisterhood Co-Presidents        
Ethel Kikoler, Treasurer 
Merle Schein, Secretary          
Doris Schyman, Financial Secretary                                                                 
Irene Schatz, Religion and Education V.P
Marilyn Friedman and Norma Swidler, Fundraising Co-V.P.; Rosa Beegun, Fundraising Coordinator
Susi Goldstein, Administration and Membership V. P                                                               
Carol Berger and Reva Felder Immediate Past Presidents