19 Elul 5773

19 Elul


Moshe Cordovoro teaches in the second chapter of The Palm Tree of Devorah, (Tamar Devorah) that to be in the image of God means to be humble. Through humility we learn and practice compassion. Here are qualities of humility through eight practices:


  1. The head: lower your gaze, a person who raises their head upward glorifies himselfThoughts: meditate and contemplate on thoughts of goodness, godliness, kindness
  2. Forehead: a person's forehead should display no harshness. Your face should reflect willingness, acceptance, and pleasantry.
  3. Ears: turn your attention to hearing good and positive things. Shut out falseness, evil gossip, judgment.
  4. Eyes: do not close your eyes to the suffering of the poor. Think as much as possible of their predicament. Look for the good.
  5. Nose: Nary a breath of anger should ever be found in it. Rather it should contain the breath of life and good will and patience, even to those who are unworthy. Exhale forgiveness and pardon.
  6. Faces: a person's face should shine and he should receive all people with a cheerful countenance. All who look at such a face will find joy.
  7. Mouth: Express good words of Torah. Do not speak ugliness, curses, anger, or frivolous talk. Speak well, expressing benevolence and blessing.

Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar