18 Elul 5773

18 Elul


There is a time in your life that is not about forgiving the inadequacies of others. Rather, it is about refining your circle; it is about the way you spend your time and the people you spend it with. I call those people "sustainers." They are the people who see you, really see you for who you are and who love you because of that. They know you, perhaps better than you know yourself. When you are at your best, they delight in you. When you lose your way, they hold up for you the vision of your higher self. When you look at them, you see in their eyes a mirror of who you are - and you like what you see. Sustainers. They sustain all that is good in you and allow the divine purpose of your life to flow easily through you and through your relationship with them.


Forgiveness is the choice to be sustained and affirmed. Or to move on.   


excerpt from The Bridge to Forgiveness by Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar