13 Elul 5773

13 Elul

Reconcile with the truth of your life, with the big, the bad, and the ugly. With beauty and blessing. With the tenacity of your spirit. With weakness. With betrayal. With regret. With the years that have passed. With your destiny. With the love that is trying to get in. If you reconcile with all that, you reconcile with the truth of your life.
The goal is to make peace. To make peace on earth. To make peace among the people in your world. To make peace between you and yours. To make peace with the past. To make peace in the very core of your being.
To make peace with your destiny.
Anything that stands in the way of any of that must be dealt with.
Let it go.
Let it go and it no longer has a hold on you.
Letting it go denies its power over you.
Forgiveness is learning to come to terms with the story of your life and releasing the pain of the past.

Excerpt from The Bridge to Forgiveness by Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar