7 Elul 5773

Everyone’s heart has been broken. I am not the only the one. Neither are you. The time you felt invisible, the time you were not relevant, the time that you were not loved they way you need to be loved, the time someone was mean to you, the time you were pushed or slapped or mocked or abandoned. And the times that you did those things to someone else, broke two hearts.

Ours hearts have been broken. And we have behaved badly.

And the most perplexing and yet fundamental truth about the human condition is that this broken vessel, with its cracks and fissures and flaws is the very vessel that must contain and overflow with abundant love. And even though our healing will never be complete we must find the way to love more completely. Our broken hearts are not an excuse for sadness and bad behavior. And after all, that is our sincere desire… to live from love rather that brokenness.


Rabbi Karyn Kedar