American Jews in Jeopardy: Act Now

Ezra and I are enjoying our time with family, taking long car rides to see the country, sitting in cafes and eating in great restaurants. I write to you now however, to bring to your attention a rather serious matter. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the URJ writes the following:

This week, despite commitments to the contrary, the Israeli Knesset is considering legislation that would fundamentally change the Law of Conversion and further concentrate power with the Chief Rabbinate. The bill would give the Chief Rabbinate exclusive oversight of all conversion matters, putting non-Orthodox conversions performed abroad at risk, and greatly limiting the options available to Israelis and olim (immigrants to Israel) wishing to convert or in need of 'official' recognition. It is critical that Prime Minister Netanyahu hear a loud and clear message from Diaspora Jewry that further alienation of non-Orthodox Jews goes against our deeply held beliefs in Klal Yisrael and creates a dangerous rift between Israel and world Jewry at a time when the relationship between North America and Israel is so vital. We urge you to contact the Prime Minister as soon as possible and share your concern over the future of religious freedom in Israel , the character of the Jewish State, and the relationship between Israel and the Diaspora.

I join with our president Patti Frazin, Rabbi Stoller and Cantor Frost in urging you to act now. We need to send a message in the coming days that the Jewish community of America will not stay silent as our rights as Jews are in jeopardy.

Thank you,

Rabbi Kedar