Special Seder gives voice to women from the Bible

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Sisterhood of B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim considers Passover story from female perspective

March 31, 2014|By Donald Liebenson, Special to the Tribune

Why is the Passover Seder hosted by the sisterhood of B'nai The%20Sisterhood%20of%20B%27nai%20Jehoshua%20Beth%20Elohim%20will%20hold%20its%20fifth%20annual%20Women%27s%20Seder%20on%20April%207%20at%20the%20temple%2C%201201%20Lake%20Cook%20Road%20in%20Deerfield.%20%28%20Donald%20Liebenson%2C%20Chicago%20Tribune%29Jehoshua Beth Elohim in Deerfield different from most other Seders?

For starters, it is held one week before the official Passover celebration. Second, it is for women only.

The sisterhood's fifth annual Women's Seder, to be held April 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the temple, 1201 Lake Cook Road, is a multi-generational observance of the Passover story. It is also a celebration of the unsung women who played a role in that story as well as of contemporary women who have championed women's issues and family members who have had a meaningful impact on the participants' lives.